Course Overview

Already given birth before but feel like you could use a little review? This class is for you! Taught by a certified nurse midwife and labor and delivery RN/IBCLC who will help give you a little refresher. You don’t need a newborn care class, or an introduction course on pregnancy but you do need a reminder on pain coping techniques, what to expect if the unexpected happens, and that postpartum period.

Included in this birth course is 4 weeks’ worth of videos, weekly birth meditations, and helpful PDFs to give you all the tools you’ll need to have an empowered birth.

Weekly Breakdown

  • Week One: The birth process, stages of labor, anatomy & physiology of birth, laboring positions

  • Week Two: Pain coping during labor, breathing exercises, support person exercises, transition, how do I push?

  • Week Three: What to expect when the unexpected happens, setting yourself up for a positive birth experience no matter what happens, VBAC, epidurals, vacuums, C-sections

  • Week Four: Everything you need to know to care for your postpartum mind and body

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